The first in our series of four workshops aimed at developing your practice will focus on warrior poses 1, 2 and 3!
As well as looking at the set-up of each variation, offering options to accommodate different body types and spending time getting our bodies familiar with how the positions feel for us, we will also experiment with a fun flow. Connecting the poses together allowing us to aim with clear sight, build strength and flexibility and enjoy moving and breathing together.
All proceeds from this first workshop will be donated to Ourmala’s Warriors for Women appeal to support the opening of a new Happy Baby Community in south London. Like the existing HBC in Hackney, it will provide a range of services, including yoga, English classes and hot lunches to new and expecting mothers who are refugees, asylum seekers and survivors of torture and human trafficking.
Led by the lovely Susie Gerke and Hannah Turner Voakes.
Book through Eventbrite here to guarantee your spot with a £20 suggested donation or drop-in and pay whatever you can afford on the day.
Future dates:
Sat 14th April 2-4pm : Chataranga & Crow
Sat 19th May 2-4pm : Backbending
Sun 17th June 2-4pm : Inversions